Entertainment Weekly interview

Entertainment Weekly had a short and sweet Q & A with Amanda at the MTV Awards.

Entertainment Weekly: When you get this dressed up for this, how do you take it to the next level for an Emmys, or Oscars?

Amanda Bynes: That's a good point. Well, I haven't been asked to those yet, so I figure I'm not gonna worry about it. But I guess for that I'd wear a longer gown. This is, you know, a mid-thigh cut, so I figure at least it's a little bit younger. But you know, I've always wanted to wear a gown. I've never really worn one.

EW: Never?
AB: No! I've never been to the Oscars or the Emmys. So I just gotta keep doing a good job in movies, and hoping I will one day be nominated, and then I'll get to go. But I'm a big fan of not going somewhere unless you're involved in a movie that's being nominated or something. Otherwise I feel like you're just going to go, and I think that's kind of cheesy and annoying. So, [tonight] I'm just like, I was invited, I'm part of a movie that's presenting [Hairspray], so I'll go. But otherwise I like to sit home with my popcorn and my parents, and pick out things I like and don't like about other people's attire.

EW: Not to be creepy, but you're freaking me out by how grown up you are right now.
AB: Really? I'm sorry. [pauses] People have said that.

EW: Could you stop?
AB: I don't know what to do! I've tried to press my head down... but you know what? I'm 21 now, and I don't want to be so sexy that it's uncomfortable, so I'm definitely not doing any movies that are uncomfortable to watch. But there's cute boys around. You know. You wanna look a little sexy.

EW: Who are you macking on?
AB: Um, nobody that I can say in Entertainment Weekly!

EW: I wouldn't have printed it.
AB: It's a respectable magazine!

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